Not Technical*

“Not technical.” That was the awkward end of my disastrous six-week tenure as an engineering manager at a company I’d rather not mention (it’s not a secret; it’s just that I die a little bit each time I have to type its name.)

Seven years ago, my then-manager called me “not technical.” This was someone I went to work with because I hoped to learn from them. I had been a high-performing engineer for years, with a long list of technical accomplishments. So I was stunned by the accusation. And I felt betrayed.

The best part? “You’re not strong enough as a leader to compensate for it.”

I left that company soon after.

Looking back, I can see that the manager was almost right. I wasn’t ‘not technical’. I was inexperienced. And I was in over my head.

Since then, I’ve been an IC again, multiple times. I’ve worked hard to become a better leader and manager. I’ve read dozens of books on leadership and management, and even written a few. I’ve taken courses and workshops, and joined professional networks. I’ve sought out mentors and coaches. And I became a CTO.

And today, I’m proud to say that I am, unequivocally and beyond debate, a technical leader. I’m not perfect, and I’m still a work in progress, but I’m much better than I was seven years ago.

Here are three things that have helped me become a better technical leader:

  1. Be humble: When you don’t know something, be up front about it. It’s okay to say, “I’m not sure, let me get back to you.” Then keep your word, and find out– always be learning. Feedback is a gift; the higher your rank, the more valuable it is. Remember, even if you see yourself as the same approachable person you always were, what others see when they look at you is different. The power dynamic is always there. If your team member thinks you’re approachable, you’re still an approachable person who can fire their butt.

  2. Be honest: There are times when “fake it ‘til you make it” is the way to go. This is not one of those times. Be honest about your skills and experience level. Don’t promise more than you can deliver– stretch, but within the bounds of your elasticity and ability to succeed. Ask for help when you need it, and note how people respond.

  3. Be helpful: Always look for ways to help your team members grow. Sometimes those ways may build on your expertise, and you’re in a unique position to directly help them develop their skills. Provide feedback and mentorship, and praise as close to in-the-moment as you reasonably can. Be generous with your time and knowledge, especially for those who have helped you in return. As a leader, you’re there to represent the company, but you’re there because of your team. It makes me sad how many managers lose sight of that basic truth.

If you’re not a technical leader yet, don’t worry. Just keep learning and growing, and be patient with yourself. You’ll get there eventually.

* Or, “I got 99 problems but not being technical ain’t one”